Brussels/Berlin 2023

Saturday 15th July 2023 – Checkpoint Charlie and ‘Mon the Gays

After a breakfast consisting of eggs and salami on toast, tea, and a nectarine, I ventured again along the path of the former Berlin Wall. This time, in the opposite direction along Bernaur Straße from before, heading west. It is important to remember that the division of the Germany led to West Berlin existing as […]

Brussels/Berlin 2023

Friday 14th July 2023 – Der DDR

One of the reasons I like to stay so long in a location, is to avoid the feeling of having to “run myself ragged”, seeing much in a short period of time. As a result, I had no problem spending much of the morning sleeping in, doing a workout, showering, doing my washing, and submitting […]

Brussels/Berlin 2023

Thursday 13th July 2023: Good Morning Berlin

It can be hard to tell whether one has slept or not. I didn’t mind as I had expected this to be a bit of a restless night, given the circumstances. In a way, I preferred the times that the train rattled on through the night as opposed to the station stops with bright lights, […]

Brussels/Berlin 2023

Wednesday 12th July 2023: What to do with a “non” day?

This is the sort of day I struggle with what to do with. My checkout at my accommodation was 11.00am and my train to Berlin not until 6.00pm. I decided after a workout and a shower (warm this time after instruction from the owner on re-pressurising the boiler), to avoid “killing time”, as I had […]